Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Just Want To See The World! Hot Cocoa's Vacation part one

Well... I haven't done one of these since forever but I will try to continue to do what I always do. I'll do my best to provide somewhat of an update of my busy life abroad haha So I guess I should get started.

I arrived in Germany several days before Christmas. On the way to Kara's house there were two things that kept popping into my head 1) OMG Germany is BEAUTIFUL and 2)I need to learn German. Thankfully I know some survival phrases. Not knowing the language made me feel a bit helpless, which I wasn't a big fan of. But of course, I'm a survivor so I can handle it. Kara's house is in a small German town called Bitburg. Her house is really nice and her parents are wonderful people. They've been hosting Kim and I for quite a while. I have seen quite a bit of Germany since I have been here. I have been to Trier which is the oldest city in Germany, used to be a Roman capital. We went when it was time for the Christmas markets which were these stands of amazing food, drink, and Christmas-themed items. It was so incredible! We also went to Manderscheid which is this nice little town with a couple castles. Basically, I'm in love with Germany right now. I could definitely see myself living here for reals. We also took a couple day trips to Bruges and Luxembourg. Both cities were also unbelievable. My favorite so far was Luxembourg, I loved how everything looked. Not to mention, I finally got to practice some of my French in both Bruges and Luxembourg. Bruges was pretty awesome as well. Going up the bell tower is definitely an unforgettable experience. I also got to see some friends on another trip I took in Germany.

I made my way over to Bremen with Kim and Kara where one of my best friends is currently studying. I was thrilled to see him(Braeden) again since I thought I wouldn't see him again until August. Bremen was a nice town. It was really cold and it snowed a bit. I got to see more touristy stuff and took pictures. I need to upload pictures, I know it will get done but I just don't know when. We also went to another town called Bremerhaven which is a port town in the north of Germany. I got to see the North Sea! Well... sort of. I saw the river that leads up to it I guess. The nights were fun and full of us singing in Braeden's room late into the night. Leaving was really sad. But I did have a little taste of what I am about to do tomorrow. I will fly to Palma De Mallarca in Spain with Kim. After a few days I will go to visit my Norwich people and then to see some of London. I will write another blogpost once I am back at Kara's.

So, as I keep seeing more and more of Europe I am starting to like it more and more. Don't worry, I have not forgotten about Moscow. I have my flight back on the 28th so I fully intend on going back to the Third Rome. But I can definitely see myself living in Germany or even Luxembourg. How will I do it? I have no clue but I'm pretty sure it's possible. So... I will definitely update this once I am back and I will tell you all about my Spain and England experiences.

1 comment:

  1. germany is pretty swell as hell visually and atmospherically. the people are probably also good--i have no idea. also the man has like both hands in your pockets feelin around for your wallet in germany... idk how i feel about that....
