We had our first official holiday off from school this past week. It was on Wednesday to celebrate Day of People's Unity(Dyen Narodnovo Edinstva). Nina and I went for a walk that day through Manezhnaya Ploshad and the surrounding area. At one point we found a huge line for something, we were curious so of course we asked one of the people waiting in line. It turned out to be something for the orthodox church. It amazed me how devoted people are. They will use one of their days off(I don't think it's many) and they will wait in a huge line in the cold to see some icons. So we continued on our stroll and guess what we found?! Stalin and Alexander I haha I of course could not miss the chance to take my picture with them simply for the ridiculousness of it. I'm definitely uploading that one to my flickr account. And later that night the group went to the circus!
So, the circus is something quite different than what we usually do here. We usually go to like ballets and plays. I think I've only been to the circus like one other time in my life haha But anyways, I had mixed feelings...It was a nice show and some of the tricks the acrobats and the people on the horses did were quite amazing. It just felt awkward at times because it felt like I was at happy hour at the playboy mansion rather then at an event for children. Women usually wore quite revealing outfits/costumes and did some dances. Also it just seemed a lot of the times the women in the shows had animal costumes while the men were running things. I wasn't really crazy about all of that. So yea, but I'm really glad I went and I'm excited for the events that we have planned for this month (especially Pskov).
Things at home are going well, except that homegurl Eleonora recently got really sick but I'm pretty sure I gave it to her when she was helping me out(oops...). I went to the doctor on Friday which went alright. His English was a little broken but he was quite helpful and I'm mostly better now, all I got is a cough. On another note, I can't believe the semester is almost over! I think we have about a month left. Overall I have enjoyed my stay in Moscow so far and I'm sure there's way more to experience and I definitely have time :)